My friend Luisa's Inland Empire succulent container garden

My friend Luisa, who blogs at Crow as well as Raven, is 1 of those people you lot click amongst correct away. Talk to her for an hour, as well as it feels similar you've known her all your life. She's equally easy-going as well as generous a individual equally you're e'er going to meet. And if you're lucky, you lot instruct to watch her garden at the base of operations of the San Bernardino Mountains

But Luisa's garden doesn't consist of materials growing inwards the ground. No, virtually every works life she owns is inwards a pot. And all her pots are inwards her pocket-size backyard, arranged on a retaining wall, on tables, or on the ground. I don't know how many private containers Luisa has, only at that spot are many. MANY

Lest you lot mean value this results inwards clutter, balance inwards peace. It's really quite the opposite. It's similar walking into a shop selling rare books. You don't know what you're going to find, only you lot know that it'll hold upwards an exciting journeying of discovery.

The photos I took during my recent visit are proof of what I'm talking most it. Take a expect at this broad shot as well as say me that you're non curious to reckon what all at that spot is? 

It's your lucky day, because I convey many to a greater extent than images to exhibit you.

I'll decease on my commentary to a minimum because the images really speak for themselves.

You'll reckon that pallet against the wall a few to a greater extent than times. I mean value it's an ingenious idea. My eyes kept going dorsum to it.

Check out the manzanita branch resting on locomote on of the pallet. H5N1 dainty touch.

The cactus is Opuntia sulphurea.

Here are ii of Luisa's 3 dogs. I was amazed at how proficient they are at avoiding the potted plants equally they sew together as well as downward the backyard.

This is the Ferocactus Luisa had dug upwards for her at Granite Hill Gardens Nursery at Jurupa Mountain Discovery Center

Standing at the far terminate of the backyard looking towards the covered patio

Agave guiengola 'Crème Brûlée'

Variegated Agave shawii

LEFT: Agave victoria-reginae in what looks similar a metallic H2O ice cream container (Luisa loves to instruct treasure hunting at salve stores). RIGHT: Echinofossulocactus inwards Mike Cone pot 

Opuntia robusta and Agave murpheyi 'Engard'

Variegated Ferocactus

More treasures Luisa establish at a local salve yard

Opuntia sulphurea

And the treasures decease on on coming

Ferocactus cylindraceus

Ferocactus pilosus, maybe?

Cardon (Pachycereus pringlei) inwards the front, saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) inwards the back
One concluding photograph of Luisa's magnificent collection

Before I headed to Palm Springs (about an hr away) to run into upwards amongst my friends from Portland, Luisa took me on a drive through the Crafton Hills to reckon the hillsides covered amongst California poppies. What a fantastic vista, specially against the snow-covered mountains inwards the background!


Index: Trip to Palm Springs, March 2017
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