Field trip to Poot's Cactus Nursery (part 2)

In part 1 of this post, I showed y'all the demonstration garden (including koi pond) together with the propagation greenhouse of Poot's Cactus Nursery inward Ripon, California.

This post service focuses on the sale area. While smaller than the propagation areas, the sale expanse is jam-packed alongside goodies. There's an exterior expanse alongside tables for smaller plants equally good equally a alternative of larger specimens that simply sit down on the ground. And there's a retail greenhouse alongside to a greater extent than cold-sensitive together with rare specimens, all waiting to travel discovered together with explored.

I was happy to see that Poot's provides shopping carts together with wagons for those of us who direct maintain works life shopping seriously. This is Mariel, SCSS vice president together with computer program chair, who organized this champaign trip together with took payoff of this chance to purchase the raffle plants for the side past times side coming together (Monday, March 27, 7:00 pm; for to a greater extent than info, click here).

I was torn betwixt taking photos together with looking for cool plants. In the end, I made several passes through the sale expanse to direct maintain tending of both items of business.

These plants were correct close the entrance; they must travel business office of a novel delivery that had simply arrived

Shopping carts! Such a basic thing, yet few specialty nurseries seem to direct maintain them.

(Left) Golden barrels inward all sizes. (Right) Yucca rostrata with a trunk! Something y'all most never see inward Northern California. Well priced at $79.

At $29, these Agave titanota in #5 pots were a steal

Another nifty buy: large Dasylirion longissimum for $69 together with $79. Instant touching inward your garden!

Agave 'Blue Glow' continues to travel the most pop agave out there, judging past times the discover of plants inward the nursery

Something I never see inward our cervix of the woods: Aloidendron dichotomum with a trunk! Well priced at $69.

Prefer barrel cactus?

Take your pick!

This mystery aloe called out to me from 50 feet away. Simply labeled "Aloe" together with bargain-priced at $25, it went abode alongside me (see below).

More fuzzy cactus

Cardons (Pachycereus pringlei) on the left, saguaros (Carnegiea gigantea) on the right

Same plants, dissimilar view

Echeveria agavoides in amount flower

Large department of cactus babies

One of my favorite cactus, spineless claret loving cup (Echinocereus triglochidiatus forma inermis), for closed to argue difficult to find

Mammillaria spinosissimum

Mammillaria camptotricha cv. marnier-lapostollei

More saguaros (Carnegiea gigantea)

Your sense of savor runs towards the funky? Poot's has y'all covered. This is Ibervillea lindheimeri.

Who knows what this is? Well, I'm certain Kitoi knows :-).

Mammillaria parkinsonii

Mammillaria parkinsonii

Instant touching inward your garden!

8 ft. pony tail palm trio (Beaucarnea recurvata) for $300. Not cheap, but withal a grapple considering the size!

Echeveria lilacina

Aloe debrana, a rare aloe from Ethiopia. H5N1 steal at $10. One came abode alongside me.

I had never seen crested Pachypodium lamerei before

Truly strange together with definitely rare. Priced at $49.

The retail greenhouse is fifty-fifty to a greater extent than exciting that the exterior sale expanse because the plants are inward seemingly random order. That makes browsing a veritable treasure hunt. I could direct maintain spent hours inward at that spot but I was running brusk on fourth dimension because our propagation greenhouse tour was scheduled for 10:00 a.m.

Deuterocohnia brevifolia

At $800, it was the most expensive works life past times far

The retail greenhouse also contains a pocket-size demonstration garden alongside closed to interesting plants:

Aloidendron ramosissimum

I mean value this is Ferocactus platyacanthus

Aloe dorotheae

I direct maintain no thought which species of Gasteria this is but it looked nifty nestled inward this burl

And hither are my works life purchases from Poot's:

Two exciting aloes

I suspected this was Aloe elgonica, together with Brian Kemble, curator of the Ruth Bancroft Garden together with my go-to adept for all things aloe, confirmed it. Aloe elgonica grows inward alone 1 location, Mt Elgon on the edge betwixt Republic of Uganda together with Republic of Kenya (and perchance alone on the Republic of Kenya side of the mountain).

This is the mystery aloe that called out to me at the nursery. It looked to me similar Aloe vaombe, a tree aloe from Republic of Madagascar I cruel inward dear alongside on my recent trip to Southern California together with wasn't able to uncovering inward the nurseries I visited there.

I didn't dare larn my hopes up, but Brian Kemble confirmed that this is indeed Aloe vaombe.

I'm a very, really happy camper.
Aloe debrana, a rare aloe from Ethiopia. It's pretty but non really distinctive, perchance alongside the exception of its sudden teeth. But look at the flowers it produces!

I also works life closed to other works life that had been on my want listing for a long time: Sansevieria trifasciata 'Bantel's Sensation'. It's strictly a houseplant, but it'll travel a nifty add-on to the other sansevierias that direct maintain taken upward residence upstairs.

Considering how far I stray from abode at times, Poot's is actually quite close. I've vowed non to permit closed to other half-dozen years larn past times earlier my side past times side visit!

And if y'all direct maintain plans to see Yosemite National Park this year, innovation on stopping at Poot's. They're correct on Highway 120 simply a few miles due east of Manteca.
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