Back to Victoria, British Columbia: Beacon Hill Park inwards belatedly summer

Winter is my to the lowest degree favorite season, as well as I constantly expression for opportunities to larn away--either physically or at to the lowest degree mentally. While I nonetheless convey quite a few posts left to write nearly my recent Arizona trip, I decided today to caput due north instead of south: dorsum to Victoria, British Columbia. In belatedly August, my married adult woman as well as I helped our oldest immature adult woman larn settled into her novel life every bit a educatee at the University of Victoria

While immature adult woman #1 was doing educatee things, my married adult woman as well as I took the chance to explore to a greater extent than places inwards Victoria that nosotros hadn't seen on our previous trips (1 | 2). This included Beacon Hill Park, a 200-acre urban common stretching from the Strait of Juan de Fuca almost all the agency to downtown (here's a map). I didn't know what to expect, other than a large world park, only inwards hindsight I shouldn't convey been surprised at the stunning displays of flowers for which Victoria is world-famous. I don't know how much the metropolis spends on world landscaping, only it must last significantly higher than other cities its size since fifty-fifty the medians inwards streets far away from where tourists stray are total of beautifully maintained blossom beds. I had fallen inwards honey alongside Victoria on my kickoff trip, as well as this honey matter deepened fifty-fifty to a greater extent than on this, my third, visit.

While the climate of Victoria is fairly mild, it is isn't frost-free (this wintertime they had snowfall on several occasions), only there's an undeniable lushness. Daughter #1 definitely could convey picked a far worse position to become to college!

We saw stone outcroppings similar these inwards many places, specially inwards the eastern suburbs where nosotros were staying

Beacon Hill Park is non a botanical garden then in that location are no found labels. I was able to position roughly plants only many were novel to me. If you're able to supply found identifications, delight larn out a comment.

My married adult woman as well as I jokingly called Beacon Hill Park the pathetic man's Butchart Gardens

I convey no persuasion how oftentimes they water, only the flowers looked perfect

Is this princess blossom (Tibouchina urvilleana)?

Look at that papyrus!

The largest ornamental tobacco (Nicotiana sylvestris) I've e'er seen

One of many ornamental ruby-red bananas (Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii')

And elephant ears (Colocasia sp.)!

Look at the people to larn an persuasion of how tall these plants are

More Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii'

Fuchsia folks, is this Fuchsia magellanica?

Those Ensete again! They photobombed quite a few of my images!

Massive cedar, perchance Western redcedar (Thuja plicata)

And a quirky weeping bluish Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca pendula')

One of my favorite trees, the monkey puzzle tree (Araucaria araucana). I saw several specimens inwards the park.

Cannas are attractive fifty-fifty without the flowers!

My favorite photograph of the day: castor edible bean (Ricinus communis)

Who knows what this tree is?

Nature does weird things all on its own!

Far from home, only nonetheless beautiful (and yes, invasive inwards many places): Argentinian pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana)

What could last to a greater extent than relaxing than a motion painting of ducks nether a weeping willow!

Weeping willow (Salix babylonica)
I wonder what Beacon Hill Park looks similar correct now, inwards the dead of winter? I convey to shipping immature adult woman #1 to reconnoiter. 

POSTSCRIPT: Reader Dan A. from Victoria shed roughly low-cal on what happens to the sensitive plants inwards the winter: "There is genuinely a large greenhouse close Cook Street at the border of the common where they shop all the frost-tender touchstone plants as well as perennials."


Index: Victoria as well as Vancouver Island, BC, September 2016
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