I visited an erstwhile garden today

I don't heed admitting that summertime is when books together with papers together with magazines together with seed catalogs tend to pile upward unopen to the house.

It starts amongst Easter, when I develop clean the identify earlier hosting the World's Greatest Family Easter Egg Hunt.  I get together upward books together with magazines together with anything else together with throw them inward the den or stack them neatly somewhere else inward the house.

All through jump together with summer, I seem to add together to the piles amongst to a greater extent than books, to a greater extent than magazines, to a greater extent than catalogs. There is no terminate to them, is there?

Today I decided to excavate a few of the piles together with underneath some magazines I constitute an erstwhile photograph album. It was small, the form amongst sleeves sized to concur 2 pictures per page. I must lead keep constitute it inward my Mom's papers together with laid it aside. Then I buried it nether to a greater extent than paper.  Sound familiar?

I casually flipped through the album together with toward the dorsum I constitute 4 pictures that took me to an erstwhile garden I 1 time knew, my Dad's garden.

There's a pic (above) taken from the patio looking out to his vegetable garden.  Those tall plants are his tomato plant plants. See, they did grow to live at to the lowest degree 8 feet tall. And the containers are total of geraniums. He ever had geraniums inward the summertime.  I would estimate this pic is from the early on 1980's.

Out inward the yard, nestled inward an expanse betwixt 3 trees, he 1 time had "us kids" dig a large hole for a fish pond. Then 1 of the trees died together with the pond ended upward inward a sunnier location than he had planned.

Oh, well, that's how it goes amongst gardens. Shady 1 day, sunny the adjacent day. Or sunny 1 yr together with shady the adjacent year.

He loved that pond together with enjoyed sitting out beside it on summertime evenings.  "Us kids" liked it too, together with would attain out over who got to lounge inward the lounge chair.

We could pass hours out there. Reading, sleeping, talking or only staring at the heaven doing nothing. We weren't distracted yesteryear smartphones, computers, iPads. Yes, somedays nosotros sat at that spot because nosotros were bored, which was expert for us. It allowed us fourth dimension to actually intend together with dream together with system a bit, too.

The pond is gone now. We filled it inward agency dorsum inward 1987 afterward Dad passed away. In its identify my mom had "us kids", to a greater extent than oftentimes than non my brother-in-law, construct a gazebo over that spot. The gazebo is nevertheless at that spot but those 2 remaining trees are long gone now, too.

The 2 fiddling Alberta Spruces, inward the lower left of the concluding picture, are nevertheless there, though they are much bigger now. The funny matter is, Dad planted them inward their dark plastic pots because he wasn't certain where he wanted to lay them.  I intend he planned to trace them upward at the terminate of the summertime together with flora them properly someplace else.  As far equally I know, they are nevertheless inward those pots.

Now the pond is gone, the slice of furniture is gone, the trees are gone, but the retentivity of that erstwhile garden lives on forever.
Sumber http://www.maydreamsgardens.com/
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