Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - August 2017

Welcome to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for August 2017.

Here inward my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden inward key Indiana, summertime is humming along to the melody of bees buzzing too birds singing.

We accept received to a greater extent than than our fair portion of pelting this summertime until almost 10 days ago, when nosotros didn't instruct whatsoever pelting for a calendar week or so. I left town for the GWA: Association of Garden Communicators conference inward Buffalo, New York, too it didn't pelting the entire fourth dimension I was gone—six days.

But don't cry for me. It isn't that dry out out inward the garden.

The August Dreams Garden border, featured inward this initiatory of all movie above, is looking expert equally it begins to bloom amongst tardily summertime too early on autumn flowers.

Currently it features Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia hirta, too Joe-Pye Weed, Eutrochium dubium 'Little Joe'. In the dorsum of the border you lot tin consider the xanthous flowers of loving cup plant, Silphium perfoliatum, which has been blooming for quite awhile now. You can't actually consider it inward this movie because the flowers are tiny too white, but simply about the sculpture, Boltonia, Boltonia asteroides var. latisquama 'Snowbank', is equally good blooming.

Also blooming inward this border is Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Henry Eilers'
It's a prissy variation from the other Black-eyed Susans.

When I become out into the garden inward tardily summer, I am drawn to this border initiatory of all because it is simply kickoff to bloom. It is my "spring inward tardily summer" garden, equally I establish for a perpetual boundary hither at . Ver perpetuum is what Sir Francis Bacon called the thought that nosotros should accept a succession of flowers blooming throughout the year.

But the residue of the garden isn't lacking for bloom. Here's a quick tour simply about for other bloom highlights inward August.

If you lot tried to instruct plants to fall over the sidewalk, they wouldn't cooperate, thence it is prissy when they produce soften the edges, similar this Coreposis rosea does.

I got the bulbs for these  Pineapple Lilies, Eucomis sp. inward tardily June at a Regional GWA meeting. Thanks to Brent too Becky's Bulbs for giving them to us.

I wouldn't desire to confront an August inward my garden without the blooms of the old-fashioned hostas. I simply telephone yell upward them "August Lilies". They accept a dandy smell too remind me of the hostas my grandmother grew on the northside of her house.

I honey how this Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' peaks out over the ground thence from the street people tin consider it too wonder "what else has she got inward that garden dorsum there?" This is the thought from the dorsum garden

And finally, I accept to exhibit off my zinnias inward August. They are looking expert too volition bloom all the means until frost.

Did mortal tell frost? Not me. I'm counting the days of summer, non the days until fall!

What's blooming inward your garden equally nosotros hitting mid-August?  We would honey to accept you lot bring together inward for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day too exhibit us.

It's slow to participate. Just postal service on your weblog almost what's blooming inward your garden too thence come upward dorsum hither too position your link inward the Mr. Linky widget too thence live on out a comment to tell us what you lot accept waiting for us.

And ever remember...

"We tin accept flowers nearly every calendar month of the year." Elizabeth Lawrence

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