Eulogy for a Tree

The other day, my sister, who lives amongst her theatre unit of measurement inward the theatre nosotros all grew upwardly in, sent out a text to permit us know a crew was cutting downwards the maple tree inward the front end yard the side yesteryear side morning.

Without hesitation, I changed all my plans for the solar daytime so I could hold out introduce for the finally moments of this i time grand as well as glorious tree that nosotros grew upwardly with.

My Dad planted this tree, as well as many others, when nosotros get-go moved in that location when I was a toddler.  I assume I was in that location for the planting, perchance playing nearby or maybe watching from a window.

I idea it fitting, therefore, that I was in that location during its finally hours.

The tree was salubrious until this spring, when it wasn't healthy. Maple wilt? Verticillium wilt? We don't actually know but the few leaves the tree did create out to range were one-third the size they should stimulate got been.

I retrieve when nosotros were kids this maple tree had a tiny horizontal cleft at only nigh oculus level. You could stand upwardly in that location as well as lookout adult man every bit the cleft opened as well as closed on windy days. Not wanting to lose the tree, my Dad got a long narrow steel plate from the vecino across the street, who happened to hold out a welder, as well as screwed it to the tree to agree it together. Over time, the bark grew unopen to the plate as well as unless yous were in that location when it was screwed to the tree, yous wouldn't know it was there.

We reminded each other for years to brand certain whoever owned the theatre knew in that location was a half dozen human foot long steel plate somewhere inward that tree, only inward instance the tree always died as well as needed to hold out cutting down.

That solar daytime finally, regretfully came, as well as so nosotros told the guy they hired to accept downwards the tree that in that location was a steel plate somewhere inward there.

I watched every bit the tree guy took his fourth dimension carefully climbing upwardly the tree. One yesteryear one, he deliberately chose as well as cutting off each upper limb. As each limb crashed to the ground, some other guy stood by, waiting to drag it to the chipper.

After several hours of working inward tandem—climbing, cutting, dragging, chipping—they were finally create to cutting downwards the primary trunk. They cutting on i side as well as and so the other. We stood a prophylactic distance away as well as watched to encounter if they would detect the steel plate. Yes, they flora it as well as though it did mess upwardly a few saw tips on i of their chain saws, nosotros were happy it didn't movement whatever kickback of the saw.

They continued to cutting unopen to the body but the tree stood firm, presumably held inward house yesteryear that steel plate. Finally, they took the rope that was looped unopen to the tree as well as attached it to a truck.  The tree was no check for the truck as well as amongst a loud crack, it finally savage down.

And in that location it was, that steel plate that held the tree together for so many years.

It held it inward house every bit long every bit it could.

Now that the tree is down, nosotros all desire some of the forest from it for a keepsake, a reminder of a tree that saw over fifty years of our family's life. I resisted the urge of bespeak them to take the load of forest chips to my theatre to purpose every bit mulch inward my garden, but I did collect some seeds from i of the few limbs amongst leaves as well as seeds on it. I don't know if the seeds are mature plenty to germinate, but I'll endeavour a few as well as encounter what happens.

We likely collectively over 3 generations— my Dad, me as well as my siblings, as well as afterward my sister's kids—raked millions of leaves from that onetime maple. Unlike the oak tree nearby which stubbornly holds its leaves until the spring, the onetime maple tree dropped thousands of brightly colored leaves every autumn for us to rake up.  I'm certain my sis as well as her theatre unit of measurement volition immature adult woman them this fall.

Now my sis wants to know what they should flora to supervene upon the onetime maple tree.

Replace the tree? You don't supervene upon a tree that has graced a front end lawn for over 55 years. But maybe nosotros tin figure out some other trees as well as shrubs to flora inward its honor.

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