My best pictures from a recent photography workshop at the Ruth Bancroft Garden

Last Sabbatum I took my first-ever photography workshop at the Ruth Bancroft Garden. I would own got missed it if Kathy Stoner of GardenBook hadn’t brought it to my attention—thank you, Kathy. 

The workshop was billed for beginners, too piece later 30+ years of taking photos I’m non precisely a novice, I idea it would survive non bad to own got early on access to the garden (8 a.m.) inwards guild to own got wages of the best light. 

And the lite was sugariness indeed! The silk floss tree (Ceiba speciosa) close the dorsum fence, i of the garden’s signature trees too inwards total bloom correct now, was spectacular backlit yesteryear the morning time sun. 

I mean value this powerfulness survive the most beautiful photograph I’ve e'er taken at the Ruth Bancroft Garden: 

Agave ‘Mr Ripple’ too silk floss tree (Ceiba speciosa) 

Since this postal service is close photography, I’ll move yesteryear along my commentary to a minimum too allow my pictures create the talking. 

Silk floss tree (Ceiba speciosa) 

Silk floss tree (Ceiba speciosa) too opuntia 

Silk floss tree bloom (Ceiba speciosa) 

Calliandra ‘Sierra Starr’ 

Yucca ‘Bright Star’ too Agave ovatifolia 

Agave bloom stem too Yucca rigida 

Opuntia leucotricha 

Cleistocactus hyalacanthus seen through Dasylirion sp. 

Cleistocactus hyalacanthus 

Cleistocactus hyalacanthus with ×Mangave ‘Espresso’ 

×Mangave ‘Espresso’ (a variegated sport of ×Mangave ‘Macho Mocha’) 


Oreocereus sp. 

Opuntia sp. 

Harrisia pomanensis, i of several cactus species whose fruit is referred to every bit “dragon fruit” 

Opuntia sp. 

Euphorbia echinus 

Euphorbia sp. 

Euphorbia sp. 

Encephalartos sp. 

Xanthorrhoea nana 

Agave parrasana 

Agave colorata × bovicornuta 

Agave attenuata 

Buckwheat (Eriogonum sp.) 

Possibly cardon (Pachycereus pringlei) 

Agave franzosinii 

Agave franzosinii 

Agave bovicornuta 

Agave stricta 

Agave victoria-reginae 

Agave horrida 

Agave horrida 

Agave guadalajarana 

Agave gypsophila too Echeveria ‘Lace’ 

Echeveria ‘Lace’ 

Echeveria shaviana (right) 

Leucadendron ‘Ebony’ 

Leucadendron ‘Ebony’ 

Palo blanco (Mariosousa willardiana) 

Palm fruit 

Calliandra ‘Sierra Starr’ 

The workshop was led yesteryear Bay Area fine-art lensman John Ricca, assisted yesteryear Charlotte Gibb. After a brief introduction nosotros were gear upward unloosen too could wander the garden at our leisure. John too Charlotte were available anytime for questions. This format worked non bad because everybody who needed it received personalized instruction. 

According to RBG upshot coordinator Alice Kitajima at that topographic point volition survive like photography workshops inwards the futurity too then sign upward for the RBG’s newsletter on their home page. For members the workshop was costless (awesome benefit!), for the full general world is was $25. Sumber

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